
2020: Little things, Big things

Have you ever wondered why even though some weeks seem interminably long, years in hindsight whisk away so quickly? We’re in 2020 now, and even for a generation unfazed by the 2000s, there’s something momentous and at times foreboding about what the start of a new decade will mean for us; as a whole, and individually. I know there’s not much we can do control things generally speaking. We can’t save every koala in danger in the Australian forests, we can’t save every polar bear that can’t swim to ground. But what can we do consciously and daily, to change negative patterns that play into a larger picture? This year I have consciously decided to SLOW down. How? Not in the way of physically living a more sedentary lifestyle, or giving up on my goals. Slowing down by giving up the fruitless and futile chase that was my early 20s. If it wasn’t trends I was chasing, it was acceptance from others. If I wasn’t after a new body or a new look, I was after a new continent to cross off ...

Alive and Well-ish

Greetings world. It has been approximately three years since the time I posted last. Unfortunately, life became predictably busier and most days I only have energy to make it through a long day of work. Any creative juices that were once there have run pretty dry since then. What do with this blog now? Make it a travel blog like every other millennial influencer out there? Who even reads blogs anymore? I'm pretty sure the only response I'll get from this post is the sporadic Russian bot, or someone from India posting in little squiggly font I can't read. But there's something special about this little dusty corner of the internet; and the fact is I have grown attached to it. Most social networks I used in the early aughts have been replaced, closed forever, along with my very bright and snarky commentary. (RIP, multiply) Therefore, stretching back into 2010, this is the only remaining sentinel. I feel a duty to protect it, dust it off; restore it to its early glory...

2 Months to Mayhem

When I think of September 23rd, 2016.. a wave of emotions sweep over me. Excitement, anxiety, fear of unknowns, and love all overwhelm me simultaneously. And it's no wonder why- that day will mark my future for the rest of time. I leave behind my single life, my single goals, and enter a long lasting, permanent relationship with my one true love. Planning this day has been stressful, frustrating, enjoyable, rewarding, and surreal. And yes, something can be both enjoyable and stressful. Remember when I ranted about big weddings and my opposition to pompous celebrations? I stand by that. Thanks to keeping my event simple and classic, with the help of a ton of friends, my stress levels have virtually disappeared. Every week I accomplish two or three things, and prepare for the week ahead. If it wasn't for my amazing supportive friends, I'm not sure how I would have handled this entire journey on my own. Of course, I have the unending support of my fiance, but with his ad...

The K1 Journey- Part II

I have to admit.. I haven't been as regular in tracking this journey on my blog as I had originally intended. The responsibilities of life, however, a planning a wedding with a groom 6,000 miles away can be incredibly time consuming. Who would've thought? In any case, I am happy to report that my fiance will have his interview at the consulate August 1st, 2016. I'm confident things will go smoothly.. after all we've checked our t's and dotted our i's. After the first mountain of paperwork I sent, the second batch was a lot less complicated to gather. It included a written statement from a bank officer detailing how much I have in my bank accounts, as well as other financial evidence of support.. Because I'm a contractor, that meant for me sending copies of my tax return, checks and bank statements, and of course- more love letters and proof of relationship. I enjoyed that phase... writing cute little notes and attaching photos of what I've been up to...

The Journey of Growth

Everyone (who has a shred of a functioning brain) alive today can concur on one thing: Nobody's perfect. But.. yet.. when we are placed face to face with one of our own ugly imperfections, it's like we're instantly blind! Why is it so hard to hear our own faults hashed out but yet simultaneously so easy to pick apart everyone else's around us? I mean, we get legitimately heated when we're wronged-we're even capable of rationalizing the why and how of people's actions,what childhood they must have had, and all of a sudden we're Sigmund Freud over here. It's like sitting on a couch, watching a show about home improvement while your own house is being consumed with termites. Wouldn't it be easier if we used that amazing capability to analyze ourselves? If only we could do that, without getting distracted by everyone else's shortcomings. It's like I walk around thinking I'm a twinkie and everyone loves me. (The Twinkie of old, the o...

The K1 Journey - Part I

Some words of advice: If at all possible, try to avoid falling in love with someone who lives farther than 500 miles from you. 500 miles is still driveable, a short flight away, and chances are the laws and regulations are not too much different from yours.  On a hot summer day in August, I met a guy.. who somehow without my permission found the handle to my heart and picked it until he opened it, and occupied every available space. Without going too mushy here, we decided to get married- at some point later this year. But of course, there's one, small , little detail.   He's in Argentina. And I'm here in glorious New England.  So, after weighing out our options and hearing truckloads of horror stories, we decided to apply for the K1 visa. All of you who have found international love, and know the plights of long distance relationships, can relate to the intricacies, specifics, and minutia of filling out the insurmountable paperwork.  These K1 Journey posts ...

Nina vs Wedding Ideals

If you're reading this, I have to thank you. I haven't been a regular blogger, and the theme and style of this here blog has run the gamut from being obnoxious and snarky to introspective and gloomy. I guess that's what happens when you start blogging at 19 and keep up ( in the loosest meaning of the term) blogging at age 25.  Irregardless (it's actually a word now..) despite popular belief, about a month ago, a very wonderful and special man asked me to be his wife. As I type those words, they still feel unreal. Yours truly, the snarky horse, the people observer and explorer of worlds, is settling down. That doesn't mean I have to do it without a fight, of course. And we all know how keen I am at being against something. Lucky for me, as soon as that ring was placed on my ring finger, an entire universe of things to be against blossomed into a lush garden.  The question was inevitably asked, at least three hundred sixty two million times. "When's th...