
Showing posts from May 15, 2011

Ninfamous vs Gas Prices

That's right, it's gripe hour. The price at the pump today is even more painful than your average Miley Cyrus performance. Two years ago we were scared witless when the price hit $4.11. Now $4.11 is a great price to stumble upon, if you can find it. I guess its come to that time when we have to get our lazy butts off the comfortable car seat and unto the narrow rubber triangle of a bike seat. China's been doing it since the wheel was invented! And look at their economy! Are they hurting? No. They practically sit their comfortable narrow butts on the comfort of the narrow bike seat and scoff at fat lazy Americans who can't go from their house to the mailbox without getting in their car. So apparently all these years the formula for a good economy is one we missed. The secret is not in the complicated language they use, or their space saving lifestyle. Not even their ridiculously easy way of making crappy bootleg technology that lasts a full week without dying. I have...

James Tate FTW

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past month, you must have heard by now of the uproar created by James Tate of Shelton High School. (Which just so happens to be very close to Ninfamous' quarters) The teenage boy/young man (manboy?) posted on the wall of his school during afterhours with the help of his friends, cardboard letters asking a girl out to prom. The reaction to his novel approach? Suspension from school and being banned to go to the prom. The one social activity that means life, in a nutshell, and marks the beginnings of mostly every overly hormonal homo-sapien in high school. The media had a field day and practically cornered the headmaster, whom looks like a mix between Janet Reno and Marcie from Charlie Brown. First she gave one press conference emphasizing her full right to make unpopular decisions and her complacency with being disliked by the crowds. Then she had to diplomatically eat those words and retract her extreme decision in a more ireni...