
Showing posts from June 9, 2013

A Revisit to Dusty Thoughts.. #ENFP

You know, it seems like interests come in seasons, then part like a violent tornado leaving behind nothing of value. And then when you least expect it, they make an unexpected resurgence. I have blasted Myers Briggs before.. if you don't remember when that was, you haven't been following me long enough and therefore have missed out on golden knowledge. Well, at least I'd like to think so. Here's the link to that piece of earth shattering philosophy: When I was younger it bugged me so much to be labeled an ENFP.. and well come to think of it, I just don't like labels. I have discussed this at great length, but seeing as I am a die-hard idealist that thinks you have any interest of hearing it again, here we go: Labels categorize mounds of people into generic slots. It's like dumping pink slime and filet mignon in the same tub. Obviously, a gross violation of sacred meat. So, that being sa...