
Showing posts from June 16, 2013

All Smiles and Small Talk

In case you were thinking office environment, or casual meetings after reading the title.. that's part of what today's post entails. I have realized that as humans we all may be very different in detail, but when you zoom out and see the big picture, we are all really the same person with the same core mechanism of dealing with things. How so? Well..  Think about it. Why do we smile day in and day out, encourage small talk, sigh, click our tongue and end every conversation with, "Oh well!" or, "I hear ya!" "What ya gonna do?". The answer? Because it's easier to keep things light and fluffy than deal with the heavy and somber reality of things. No one wants a solution; they really just want a pat on the back or an empty reassurance that "it will be okay..", even though nothing may be further from the truth. And I can somewhat understand. No one wants to be Debbie Downer and waddle in misery and hopelessness. Take it from m...

A Friend Indeed...

"A friend in need is a friend indeed.." Who hasn't heard that before? When you're but a booger picking tot, learning colors and what not to put in your nose, these connections seem effortless, instantly rewarding and simple. But.. As we grow older and decide who we want to be and what we like, all of a sudden relationships seem more complicated then just exchanging the spare cookie or crayon for a smile. In fact all too soon, we are catapulted in the raging world known as teenagedom, and meeting someone you don't want to maul is a rare finding. We spend the first quarter of our lives establishing who we want to be, our unique identity, and the second quarter hoping the rest of the world, or at least a select few, can accept who we are, flaws and all. Here's my two cents; if you want friends, or want to be a friend- its actually quite simple. Stop being selfish.  No two people are the same. Quintessential truth that sometimes get blurred into the backgr...