
Showing posts from December 25, 2011

A Look Back at 2011

2011- a year of deaths, more Apple products, Android playing catch up, the birth of Google Plus and a wave of protests. Incredibly so, these last twelve months have broken many records in regard to weather and have included everything from gripping court cases to celebrity deaths. January started off the year with the Loughner shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Jared Lee Loughner raised a pistol to Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords and subsequently fired on other people present. Five people died either at the scene or later on. Giffords, however, survived and went through months of physical therapy. Talented Amy Winehouse died at age 27 from a drug overdose. Protests in Egypt, Libya and the US created ripples. The truth is it was quite the unexpected year. Midyear, Google jumped on the social networking scene with formidable rival to Facebook, Google Plus. A real life sharing fun and business altogether network. Steve Jobs died, briefly after the release of iPhone 4S- his la...