
Showing posts from March 6, 2011

Tsunami in The States?

I wake up this morning to turn on the weather channel and anticipate my local on the 8s. What I wasn't anticipating was to hear that the tsunami that has damaged and ravaged Japan was on its way to the States. Apparently, in less than an hour, the tsunami/earthquake will have hit the coasts of Washington State, Oregon and Northern California. Maybe I'm just not there in the flesh, but it seems like everyone is taking this really calm. Not even the big wig news channels are broadcasting it as much as TWC is. Is it not going to be intense? I don't know. But I do know that it seems awful short notice to start getting ready for mass destruction. So I hope everyone on the other coast of the States will take care of themselves and take necessary precautions and not risk their life anymore than they have to. I hope the death toll in Japan doesn't keep rising (Its at 300 right now) and I hope Hawaii isn't completely ruined before I get a chance to go there personally. ...

Fave 10 Funny Flicks 5-1

Now it's getting serious. Counting down to the five most personally coveted, hysterical, tears coming out of my eyes movies. After a great deal of consideration and back and forth-ism with my brother, here goes MY top 5. But let's start off with three honorable mention s, that you should add to your classic viewing list. 3. Young Frankenstein . Downside, it's black and white. Upside, everything else. Another genius production of Mel Brooks, whom is also responsible for.. 2. Blazing Saddles . The movie takes place in Wild West America, and has great quotable lines. Must watch. 1. Almost Heroes . Perhaps the best Chris Farley movie the world was ever blessed with, and combined with the witty sarcasm of Mathew Perry as the misfits that "beat" Lewis and Clark. Funny from Scene 1 to Credits. Okay, now back to the countdown!! 5.  One Word: Benchwarmers ! Three losers in a small town take on all the little leagues in the area to redeem the nerds morale and win a...

My Fave Top 10 Funny Flicks

I love to lose consciousness from laughter when I watch a movies. I want to have great lines I can use and re-use. So here I am counting down my favorite 10 comedy movies, and recommend you add them to your instant queue. Today I'll count from 10-6 and tomorrow from 5-1. :) 10) The Ringer > "Hey buddy, whatcha doing?" "Walking the Dog!"  Fixing the special olympics to make some money calls for hilarity of the laugh out loudest. Ninfamous Rating: 2.5 out of 5 9) Spaceballs > A classic that I will be able to watch and always laugh. A spoof of Star Wars done brilliantly with great characters like Pizza Da Hut and the Mog- half man, half dog! I'm my own best friend. Ninfamous Rating: 3.0 out of 5 8) Nacho Libre > A fat unlikely hero of the town and a skinny loser compete in Mexican lucha libre. Their journey to victory is worth watching, especially because Jack Black was genius in this flick.  3.2 out of 5 7) DrillBit Taylor> I've alw...

The Language Of Thinking

I came across a theory recently that all thinking has stemmed from Language. Even moreso, that language is the basis of thinking, and thoughts are nothing without language. But is such a statement true? What does thinking boil down to, really? think verb, thought, think·ing, adjective, noun –verb (used without object) 1. to have a conscious   mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions, etc. 2. to employ one's mind rationally and objectively in evaluating or dealing with a given situation: Think carefully before you   begin. Those are the first two definitions has to offer. So my blog post will be based on those two definitions, for sake of organized analysis. A conscious mind is one in tune with its surroundings, taking in account experiences and the like, one alert, active, functioning. Can one only have a concious mind with language? For example, the first language I l...