The K1 Journey- Part II

I have to admit.. I haven't been as regular in tracking this journey on my blog as I had originally intended. The responsibilities of life, however, a planning a wedding with a groom 6,000 miles away can be incredibly time consuming. Who would've thought?

In any case, I am happy to report that my fiance will have his interview at the consulate August 1st, 2016. I'm confident things will go smoothly.. after all we've checked our t's and dotted our i's. After the first mountain of paperwork I sent, the second batch was a lot less complicated to gather. It included a written statement from a bank officer detailing how much I have in my bank accounts, as well as other financial evidence of support.. Because I'm a contractor, that meant for me sending copies of my tax return, checks and bank statements, and of course- more love letters and proof of relationship.

I enjoyed that phase... writing cute little notes and attaching photos of what I've been up to in my nook of the world made me feel like my relationship transported to the early 1900s. Surely, a long distance relationship would have been a lot more complicated back then. Before the instant world of messaging, skype, FaceTime, snapchat.. etc, merely sending a few words through mail must have been a feat. Alas, receiving a letter today is just as exciting as it was back then, now that it's more of a rarity.

So we're less than two weeks away from the day that decides it all. And I have to say, if you follow the steps carefully (and I strongly recommend Visa Journey website as well, link in previous K1 Journey post) it's not complicated. Careful reading, double checking all the information is filled out and providing ample evidence are key.

After my fiance's interview, I'll write my final blog post on this K1 Journey.


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