The Cost of Values

Hello everyone! I know I haven't been the most constant of bloggers lately, but life has been getting in the way of me even being able to type a full sentence without interruptions. Here goes an idea thats been lingering my walnut today, and I feel strongly about. 

In class today, teacher asked us all, individually, if we felt sticking to our standards was hard sometimes. Surprisingly, most of them said no. Of course I said yes. How can it not be? 

Going further, I truly believe with every grain in my body, that if something is easy, its not right. And if it's right, its not easy. I'm not talking about taking an exam or finding the right relationship. I'm talking about decisions. The path of least resistance is the one easiest to trot, but not necessarily the best, in the long run.

For example- and this is usually when our standards/values are tested, what happens when you falter? When you mess up? When you really let people down, or hurt someone, or just do something you weren't supposed to do? True grit, true character, would propel you to face the music, no matter how loud and painful, to stand up and take it in stride, to accept the consequences. Yet at that critical moment, many a fool is eager to run away and fall into a hole until the chaos has passed, or pin the blame on someone else. 

Where am I going with this? That there's a reason why they're called standards- they measure our actions, applaud or criticize them, and mold our actions and thoughts. If you don't have them, or have twisted, bendable values, then of course its easy. You simply go with whatever your heart tells you and act upon whims. But is that the best way to be? It takes courage to go against the current and take the right path- make the right choice, even when it may not be immediately beneficial to you.

But that.. is being a real man. A real woman. An honest, trustworthy- credible individual, and not just another sham walking the surface of the earth.


Josh said…
Amen! Stand up for you rights! Funny, a quote of the day that popped up for me today was from "Malcolm X"...but I wouldn't be surprised if he was quoting someone else: "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

Society is really few people have even been taught values...let alone can stand up for them. Blame bad parents, who were neglected by their own emotionally bankrupt parents. Blame a society that shifts the responsibility of teaching values and morals to the secular institutions of public school and universities...which are rife with corruption, sexual immorality, and circular and empty philosophies. Blame a social infrastructure that looks to the mighty patria to solve all of their problems. Blame the permissive religious institutions that condone all sorts of bad conduct. Blame the porn industry that has practically killed true love...the list of bad and corrupting influences is pretty long...

Interestingly though, despite the battle that we all face, some still have this internal feeling that there is a "right", and that it must be defended. They even battle their own irrationality and carnal impulses to search for and discover a truth, to find a standard that rings true. That rare and precious in this decaying world that we live in.

And...I've rambled and digressed...I should probably hire and editor. Nevertheles, your points are very good and enjoyable to read :)

Viva los estandards!
Ninalocks said…
Society in itself leaves me speechless. A matter so utterly investing of oneself's emotions that it drains me of all desire of wanting to even begin to probe it.

I hate this world of subjective relativity that everyone seems to believe in- this "there's no such thing as absolute wrong or right" Heck yeah, there is! If you believe that garbage you might as well start taking down laws against child abuse, against rape, against murder. It's all relative anyway, and the perpetrator felt right in doing so.

But J, as you so eloquently put it, those whom battle their own irrationality and impulses are rare and unique- a beacon of light in this dark self destructing world.

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