Changes and Reflections

Its been nearly a year since I started this blog, which I began as a writing exercise that transmuted into extra income. That idea was shot smoothly and swiftly by the cannon of Google's reality when I realized google ads are not exactly your local Fort Knox. After inventing and reinventing my blog, reading and sighing, and rewriting, I have to say, I'm on a different path now than when I started. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

It's just how life goes, typically. Yet I've realized it's time for a change. A different direction, or course of action. No, I'm not going to start watching reality TV or dying my hair blonde. But before I elaborate on that, let me take you behind the scenes to the place where the wheels churn in the general direction of forward and occasionally take me somewhere amazing.

Once upon a blue moon, we come across that person in life we wish we could emulate. For artists, its big-name painters, like Picasso and Monet. For aspiring entrepreneurs, its Steve Jobs or Donald Trump. And for writers like myself, its Amber Naslund of Radian Six and Scott over at Scott's Tip of The Day. (You will hear more about this in a later segment) Its not that we don't think what we write is okay, or even sometimes pretty good. But I'm sure every blogger/writer has stopped at some point and marveled at the ability others (like Naslund) have that has audiences agreeing and impelled to respond and interact. Naslund makes it seem effortless to spoon out gold post after gold post that is clear, stimulating, and refreshing.

Granted, most great, seasoned writers aren't little shrimp like yours truly that swype fleeting ideas on their color note app between anatomy and civics and later embellish them on computer. But still. They weren't always wooing crowds, were they? I mean its only logical to assume that they had their journey of trial and error, of crickets chirping in the background, of backhand compliments of even the most well intentioned people. Right? RIGHT?..

So in honor of this really long spiel none out of none people will relate to, I will begin phase two of my blog's life. A more digital marketing focused, semi-serious journalism and reflection blend with the typical nina twist of snarky sarcastic wit. That doesn't mean the doodles are going away, after all, this blog remains  an outlet to the big opinions I can't keep inside my narrow brain. It just means there will be more of a variety and (hopefully) depth to this blog that mocking people with sketches just doesn't portray.
But don't get me wrong, mocking people is a wonderful skill to have. I have yet to read a post from Scott that at its worst wouldn't make me chuckle, and at its best make me tear up and pee on myself simultaneously. So what will be new on Nina vs The World?
Three Segments, titled:

  • Have you heard? Analyzing news, pop culture, foods, trends and up and coming people. 
  • Catching up with.. A brief, laid back interview with someone I admire or am intrigued by.
  • I wish I was like.. A moment of modesty when I forget I'm the most amazing person ever and shine the light on someone else.
Nina vs ____ will continue to be the weekly post, with my usual sardonic irony and unnecessary use of adverbs and multi-syllable words tied together with a lackluster .bmp. What can I say? Old habits are hard to break.
In addition to spinning off these three segments, I'll still throw a random pic-log here and there, as I noticed you guys like a break between wordy, confusing blog posts. 
And so I'm not sure how to end this mammoth blog post, so I guess here will be fine.


Zoe said…
Thank you for your kind words about Amber. We feel very lucky to have her as part of the Radian6 team!

Zoe Geddes-Soltess
Community Engagement, Radian6
Ninalocks said…
Thank you for stopping by. She's definitely unparalleled in her way of combining solutions and ideas in clear memorable writing.

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